A second-order test in the assessment of vitamin D status, especially in patients with renal disease. Useful for investigation of some patients with clinical evidence of vitamin D deficiency (eg, vitamin D-dependent rickets due to hereditary deficiency of renal 1-alpha hydroxylase or end-organ resistance to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D), and differential diagnosis of hypercalcemia.
SST (1)
Original Collection Vial(s)
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful in the diagnostic workup of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Useful as part of metyrapone testing in the workup of suspected secondary or tertiary adrenal insufficiency, or as part of metyrapone testing in the differential diagnostic workup of Cushing syndrome.
SST (1)
Original Collection Vial(s)
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube, refrigerate until picked-up.
Morning Specimen Preferred (8AM)
9 Days
Quantitative High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Assesses adrenocortical function and reflects cortisol secretions.
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
24 Hour Urine Jug
20 ML (10 ML Minimum)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for monitoring breakdown of adrenal hormones. Aides in the diagnosis of tumors in the ovaries or adrenal cortex.
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
24 Hour Urine Jug
4 ML (3 ML Minimum)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
1 of the 3 analytes (along with cortisol and androstenedione) that constitutes the best screening test for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) caused by either 11- or 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Also useful as part of a battery of tests to evaluate females with hirsutism or infertility. Both can result from adult-onset CAH.
SST (1)
Plastic Transport Vial
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells and immediately aliquot serum into a separate transport vial. Submit transport vial only, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for diagnosis and management of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including gestational diabetes and neonatal hypoglycemia in pregnant patients.
Serum X3
SST (3)
Original Collection Vial(s)
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
Plasma X3
Gray (3)
Patient should be drawn for a fasting level, then consume 75g Glucola drink within 5 minutes and without vomiting. Start a timer when drink is finished and then draw as close to the one hour mark as possible, each hour up to the two hour mark. Submit all 3 samples, clearly labeled with time of draw. SST: Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s). GRAY: Gently invert collection tube(s) at least 10 times, immediately post-draw. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Diagnosis and management of diabetes mellitus and other carbohydrate metabolism disorders including gestational diabetes, neonatal hypoglycemia, idiopathic hypoglycemia, and pancreatic islet cell carcinoma.
Serum X2
SST (2)
Original Collection Vial(s)
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
Plasma X2
Gray (2)
SST: Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s). GRAY: Gently invert collection tube(s) at least 10 times, immediately post-draw. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful in the investigation of adrenal insufficiency and as an aid in the detection of those at risk of developing autoimmune adrenal failure in the future.
SST (1)
Original Collection Vial(s)
1 ML (0.2 ML Minimum)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for biochemical diagnosis and monitoring of intestinal carcinoid syndrome
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
24 Hour Urine Jug
5 ML Minimum
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Keep Urine Refrigerated During Collection. If possible, patient should discontinue use of acetaminophen, asprin, antihistamines, and cough and cold medicine for 48 hours prior to collection. Also limit the following to one serving per day for two days prior to collection: fruits, vegetables, nuts, and caffeinated beverages or foods.
5 Days
Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
Useful for diagnosing risk factors for patients with calcium kidney stones and monitoring results of therapy in patients with calcium stones or renal tubular acidosis
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
24 Hour Urine Jug
4 ML Minimum
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for monitoring patients with monoclonal gammopathies using 24-hour urine specimens.
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
24 Hour Urine Jug
26 ML Minimum
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Keep Urine Refrigerated During Collection
4 Days
Turbidimetry, Agarose Del Electrophoresis, Immunofixation
84156, 84166, 86335
Bence Jones Urine, Heavy Chains Urine, Immunoelectrophoresis, Immunofixation Electrophoresis (IFE), Immunofixation, Kappa Chains Urine, Lambda Chains Urine, Light Chains Urine, Paraprotein, Special Protein Studies
Evaluation of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate kidney stone risk, and calculation of urinary supersaturations. Evaluation of bone diseases, including osteoporosis and osteomalacia.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
24 Hour Urine Jug
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
An indicator of fluid balance and acid-base homeostasis.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Urinary creatinine, in conjunction with serum creatinine, is used to calculate the creatinine clearance, a measure of renal function.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful in the screening or management of diabetes mellitus
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for assessing the cause of abnormal serum magnesium concentrations, determining whether nutritional magnesium loads are adequate, calculating urinary calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate supersaturation, and assessing kidney stone risk.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for diagnosing risk factors for patients with calcium kidney stones and monitoring results of therapy in patients with calcium stones or renal tubular acidosis
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for evaluation of hypophosphatemic or hyperphosphatemic states and evaluation of patients with nephrolithiasis.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for determining the cause for hyperkalemia or hypokalemia.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Keep Urine Refrigerated During Collection
Potentiometric, Indirect Ion-Selective Electrode
K (potassium), Electrolytes Urine, K Urine, Lytes Urine
Useful in evaluation of renal disease and screening for monoclonal gammopathy.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for assessing acid-base balance, water balance, water intoxication, and dehydration.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful in assessment of protein intake and/or nitrogen balance.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful in assessment and management of patients with kidney stones, particularly uric acid stones.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for diagnosis and management of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including gestational diabetes and neonatal hypoglycemia in pregnant patients.
SST (4)
Original Collection Vial
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
Plasma X4
Gray (4)
Patient should be drawn for a fasting level, then consume 100g Glucola drink within 5 minutes and without vomiting. Start a timer when drink is finished and then draw as close to the one hour mark as possible, each hour up to the three hour mark. Submit all 4 samples, clearly labeled with time of draw. SST: Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s). GRAY: Gently invert collection tube(s) at least 10 times, immediately post-draw. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for diagnosis and management of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including gestational diabetes and neonatal hypoglycemia in pregnant patients.
Serum X5
SST (5)
Original Collection Vial
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
Plasma X5
Gray (5)
Patient should be drawn for a fasting level, then consume 100g Glucola drink within 5 minutes and without vomiting. Start a timer when drink is finished and then draw as close to the one hour mark as possible, each hour up to the four hour mark. Submit all 5 samples, clearly labeled with time of draw. SST: Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s). GRAY: Gently invert collection tube(s) at least 10 times, immediately post-draw. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for diagnosis and management of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including gestational diabetes and neonatal hypoglycemia in pregnant patients.
Serum X6
SST (6)
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
Plasma X6
Gray (6)
Patient should be drawn for a fasting level, then consume 100g Glucola drink within 5 minutes and without vomiting. Start a timer when drink is finished and then draw as close to the one hour mark as possible, each hour up to the five hour mark. Submit all 6 samples, clearly labeled with time of draw. SST: Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s). GRAY: Gently invert collection tube(s) at least 10 times, immediately post-draw. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for biochemical diagnosis and monitoring of intestinal carcinoid syndrome
Sterile Urine Cup
Sterile Urine Cup
10 ML (5 ML Minimum)
Must be sent and received at Unipath on the same day. If not, a preservative must be added. Please contact the lab for further instruction if shipping next day or beyond.
Dietary Restrictions: Avoid foods high in indoles (avocado, banana, tomato, plum, walnut, pineapple, eggplant) and Tobacco, Tea, and Coffee for 3 days prior to collection.
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Must be drawn in a plain red collection tube. Serum from a separator tube (SST) will be rejected.
Useful for the diagnosis and management of carbohydrate metabolism disorders (specifically gestational diabetes) in pregnant patients.
SST (1)
Gray (1)
Exactly one hour prior to draw, patient should consume 50g Glucola drink within 5 minutes and without vomiting. Start a timer when drink is finished and draw as close to the one hour mark as possible. SST: Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s). GRAY: Gently invert collection tube(s) at least 10 times, immediately post-draw. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
GDS, GTT, Gestational Diabetes, One Hour Glucose, 1 Hour GLucose Tollerence, ADA Glucose
Useful for detection and quantification of antibodies directed against adalimumab in serum and trough level quantitation for evaluation of patients with loss of response to adalimumab.
SST (1)
Original Collection Vial
0.5 ML (0.35 ML Minimum)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube.
Useful for determining the cause of hypercortisolism and hypocortisolism.
EDTA (1)
Plastic Transport Vial
1.0 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
Gently invert collection tube(s) at least 10 times, immediately post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to separate plasma from red cells. Aliquot plasma into a plastic transport vial and close tightly with a lavendar stopper. Freeze immediately after aliquot and submit frozen plasma.
Dietary Restrictions: Avoid Biotin (B7) for 12 HR Prior. Specimen is a CRITICAL FROZEN, must be aliquotted and frozen as soon as possible.
Useful for aiding in the evaluation of nutritional status, liver function, or causes of edema.
SST (1)
Plastic Transport Vial
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
Green (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. If specimen not received at the lab within 2 hours, aliquot serum into a plastic transport vial and close tightly with a yellow stopper.
Useful in the investigation of primary aldosteronism (eg, adrenal adenoma/carcinoma and adrenal cortical hyperplasia) and secondary aldosteronism (renovascular disease, salt depletion, potassium loading, cardiac failure with ascites, pregnancy, Bartter syndrome)
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s), regrigerated.
Useful in the diagnosis and treatment of liver, bone, intestinal, and parathyroid diseases. Also useful for determining the tissue source of increased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in serum, and differentiating between liver and bone sources of elevated ALP.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s), regrigerated.
Useful for diagnosis and monitoring of liver disease associated with hepatic necrosis.
SST (1)
Green (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Common food allergy profile. Panel includes: Almond, Cashew, Cob, Cow's Milk, Egg White, Hazelnut, Peanut, Salmon, Scallops, Sesame Seed, Shrimp, Soy Bean, Tuna, Walnut, Wheat, IgE total antibody. Testing for IgE antibodies may be useful to establish the diagnosis of an allergic disease and to define the allergens responsible for eliciting signs and symptoms.
SST (1)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s), refrigerated until picked up.
Seafood allergy profile. Panel includes: Codfish, Crab, Shrimp, Tuna, Lobster. Testing for IgE antibodies may be useful to establish the diagnosis of an allergic disease and to define the allergens responsible for eliciting signs and symptoms.
SST (1)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s), refrigerated until picked up.
Stinging insect allergy profile. Panel includes: Honeybee Venom, Yellow Jacket Venom, Wasp Venom, Yellow Faced Hornet Venom, White Faced Hornet Venom. Testing for IgE antibodies may be useful to establish the diagnosis of an allergic disease and to define the allergens responsible for eliciting signs and symptoms.
SST (1)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s), refrigerated until picked up.
Western region respiratory allergy profile. Panel includes: IgE total antibody, House Dust Mites DP, House Dust Mites DF, Cat Epithelium, Dog Dander, Bermuda Grass, Timothy Grass, Cockroach, Penicillium, Cladosporium, Aspergillus Fumigatus, Alternaria Tenius, Box Elder/Maple, Grey Alder, Mountain Cedar, Oak, Elm, Olive Tree, Cottonwood, Mulberry, Short Ragweed, Mugwort, Russian Thistle, Rough Pigweed, Red Sorrel. Testing for IgE antibodies may be useful to establish the diagnosis of an allergic disease and to define the allergens responsible for eliciting signs and symptoms.
SST (1)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s), refrigerated until picked up.
4 Days
Fluorescence Enzyme Immunoassay (FEIA)
86003 x25
Allergen, Allergy Testing, Tree Allergy, Grass Allergy, Southwest Allergen
Norhteastern region respiratory allergy profile. Panel includes: IgE total antibody, House Dust Mites DP, House Dust Mites DF, Cat Epithelium, Dog Dander, Bermuda Grass, Timothy Grass, Cockroach, Penicillium, Cladosporium, Aspergillus Fumigatus, Alternaria Tenius, Box Elder/Maple, Silver Birch, Mountain Cedar, Oak, Elm, Walnut Tree, Eastern Sycamore, Cottonwood, White Ash, Mulberry, Short Ragweed, Red Sorrel. Testing for IgE antibodies may be useful to establish the diagnosis of an allergic disease and to define the allergens responsible for eliciting signs and symptoms.
SST (1)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s), refrigerated until picked up.
4 Days
Fluorescence Enzyme Immunoassay (FEIA)
86003 x24
Allergen, Allergy Testing, Tree Allergy, Grass Allergy, Northeast Allergen
Useful for workup of individuals with suspected disorders such as familial chronic obstructive lung disease, and diagnosis of alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s), refrigerated until picked up.
Useful for the follow-up management of patients undergoing cancer therapy, especially for testicular and ovarian tumors and for hepatocellular carcinoma. Often used in conjunction with human chorionic gonadotropin.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s), refrigerated until picked up.
Useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of liver disease associated with hepatic necrosis.
SST (1)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for the evaluation of patients with possible inborn errors of metabolism using plasma specimens, and may aid in the evaluation of endochrine disorders, liver diseases, muscle diseases, neoplastic diseases, neurological disorders, nutritional disturbances, renal failure, and burns.
Green (1)
Allow Sodium or Lithium Heparin tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Immediately aliquot plasma into a plastic transport vial and freeze.
Fasting is recommended. Must separate cells from plasma within 2 hours and freeze. CRITICAL FROZEN. REQUIRED INFORMATION: age, sex, diet, drug therapy (eg TPN therapy), family history. SEND DEDICATED SPECIMEN.
FREEZE (30 Days)
8 Days
Quantitative Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Useful for monitoring amiodarone therapy (especially when amiodarone is coadministered with other drugs that may interact) and the evaluation of possible amiodarone toxicity. Also used to assess patient compliance.
Red (1)
EDTA (1)
Submit unopened collection tube, refrigerated until picked up.
Useful for monitoring serum concentration during therapy and evaluating potential toxicity. Also may be used to evaluate patient compliance.
Red (1)
EDTA (1)
Submit unopened collection tube, refrigerated until picked up. If not picked up within 7 hours, allow collection tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Aliquot serum into plastic transport vial and refrigerate.
Useful to help diagnose severe liver disease and certain genetic urea cycle disorders, to help investigate the cause of changes in behavior and consciousness, and to support the diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy and Reye’s syndrome
EDTA (1)
Immediately post-draw, gently invert collection tube at least 10 times. Submit unopened collection tube.
Useful for the diagnosis and managament of pancreatitis and the evaluation of pancreatic function.
SST (1)
Red (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s), refrigerated until picked up. MUST centrifuge and seperate within 2 hours of collection.
Centrifuge and separate within 2 hours of collection.
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube, refrigerate if not picked up same-day.
4 Days
Indirect Fluorescent Antibody
86039, 86225, 86235 x6
ANA1, ANA2, Antinuclear Antibody, Hep-2, FANA (Fluorescent Antinuclear Antibodies), LE (Lupus Erythematosus) Prep, ANA Screen
Useful in the screening for and diagnosis of certain autoimmune diseases.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube, refrigerate if not picked up same-day.
4 Days
Indirect Fluorescent Antibody
ANA1, ANA2, Antinuclear Antibody, Hep-2, FANA (Fluorescent Antinuclear Antibodies), LE (Lupus Erythematosus) Prep, ANA Screen
Useful for diagnosis and differential diagnosis of hyperandrogenism (in conjunction with measurements of other sex-steroids) and diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) in conjunction with measurement of other androgenic precursors. Also used to monitor CAH treatment, in conjunction with testosterone, DHEA-S, OHPG, and DHEA, and in the diagnosis of premature adrenarche in conjunction with gonadotropins and other adrenal and gonadal sex-steroids and their precursors.
Red (1)
EDTA (1)
Invert collection tube 10x post-draw and submit unopened collection tube for testing.
Useful for the evaluation of patients with suspected sarcoidosis
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to seperate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube, refrigerated if not picked up same-day.
Please indicate if the patient is on ACE inhibitors.
Useful for monitoring antibody levels during pregnancy to help assess the risk of hemolytic disease of the newborn. This test is not useful for monitoring the efficacy of Rh-immune globulin administration.
Whole Blood, Serum
Pink (1) and Red (1)
Specimen must arrive at Unipath on the same day of the draw. Draw into both a plain red and a pink EDTA collection tube. Invert collection tubes 10x post-draw and submit unopened collection tube for testing.
Both Plasma and Serum are required along with RBCs. Specimen must arrive at Unipath on the same day as the draw.
Useful in the assessment of menopausal status including premature ovarian failure, and in assessing ovarian status including ovarian reserve and ovarian responsiveness. Useful as part of an evaluation for infertility and assisted reproduction protocols such as in vitro fertilization, and in assessing ovarian function in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Also useful for evaluation of infants with ambiguous genitalia and other intersex conditions, evaluating testicular function in infants and children, and monitoring patients with antimullerian hormone-secreting ovarian granulosa cell tumors.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to seperate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube, refrigerated if not picked up same-day.
Useful in the demonstration of acute or recent streptococcal infection.
SST (1)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to seperate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube, refrigerated if not picked up same-day.
Useful for the diagnosis of antithrombin deficiency (acquired or congenital) and for monitoring treatment of antithrombin deficiency disorders including infusion of antithrombin therapeutic concentrate.
Lt. Blue (1)
As soon as possible post-draw, spin collection tube for 15 minutes to seperate plasma from red cells. Using a pipette, aliquot all available plasma into a plastic transport vial and freeze.
4 Days
Antithrombin Activity, AT3 Activity/Functional, AT III Activity/Functional, Anti-Thrombin III, TEST
As soon as possible post-draw, spin collection tube for 15 minutes to seperate plasma from red cells. Using a pipette, aliquot all available plasma into a plastic transport vial and freeze.
4 Days
Latex Immunoassay
Immunologic Antithrombin III, AT III Antigen/Immunologic, AT3 Antigen/Immunologic
Useful as an adjunct in the diagnosis of autoimmune thyroid diseases such as: Hashimoto disease, postpartum thyroiditis, neonatal hypothyroidism, and Graves disease. Also useful in the identification of potentially unreliable serum thyroglobulin measurements by immunoassay and in the follow-up of patients with differentiated follicular-cell derived thyroid carcinomas.
SST (1)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful in the diagnosis of metabolic disorders and for assessing risk or coronary artery (CAD) and atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. Aides in the diagnosis of Tangier disease.
SST (1)
Green (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
4 Days
Apo A, Apo A-1, Apo A1, ApoA, ApoA-1, ApoA1, Apolipoprotein A-I, Apolipoprotein A1, Apolipoprotein AI
Useful for the assessment of residual risk in patients at target non high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) or low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C). Used for follow-up studies in individuals with non-HDL-C (or LDL-C) values inconsistent with risk factors or clinical presentation, for definitive studies of cardiac risk factors in individuals with significant family histories of coronary artery disease or other increased risk factors, and for confirmation of suspected abetalipoproteinemia or hypobetalipoproteinemia.
SST (1)
Green (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
4 Days
Apo B, APO-B, APOB, APOB-100, Apolipoprotein B1, Apolipoprotein B-100
Useful in monitoring heparin therapy, screening for certain coagulation factor deficiencies, and for the detection of coagulation inhibitors such as lupus anticoagulants, specific factor inhibitors, and nonspecific inhibitors.
Lt. Blue (1)
Spin collection tube for 15 minutes to seperate plasma from red cells. Using a pipette, aliquot all available plasma into a plastic transport vial and freeze.
Draw tube MUST be filled to line. Pour off plasma and freeze within 4 hours of draw.
Useful for diagnosing and monitoring liver disease, particularly diseases resulting in a destruction of hepatocytes.
SST (1)
Green (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for determining the current status of kidney function, electrolyte and acid/base balance, and level of blood glucose.
SST (1)
Green (1) Lithium Heparin
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful in evaluation of patients with suspected antiphospholipid syndrome by identification of beta-2 glycoprotein 1 (beta-2 GP1) IgG and IgM antibodies.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
FREEZE (14 Days)
5 Days
Enzyme immunoassay
86146 x2
Beta-2 GP1 Ab IgG, Beta-2 GP1 Ab IgM, B2GMG (Beta-2 Glycoprotein 1)
Useful in the prognosis assessment of multiple myeloma and the evaluation of renal tubular disorders.
SST (1)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for measuring tauro- and glycol-conjugated and unconjugated bile acid constituents in serum to aide in the diagnosis of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP).
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for measuring tauro- and glycol-conjugated and unconjugated bile acid constituents in serum, for monitoring patients receiving bile acid therapy (such as cholic acid, deoxycholic acid, or ursodeoxycholic acid), for aiding in the evaluation of liver function, and for the evaluation of liver function changes before the formation of more advanced clinical signs of illness such as icterus. Also useful for determining hepatic dysfunction as a result of chemical and environmental injury, for indicating hepatic histological improvement in chronic hepatitis C patients responding to interferon treatment, and for indicating intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP).
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Detection of ethanol in blood to document prior consumption or administration of ethanol; quantification of the concentration of ethanol in blood correlates directly with degree of intoxication.
SST (1)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Draw two specimens from two seperate sites. Be sure to fill bottles to line on outside of label. Submit samples in original collection containers. Do not freeze or refrigerate.
FDA-approved cancer-associated antigen (CA 27.29) for serial testing in women with prior stage II or III breast cancer who are clinically free of disease. Useful for predicting early recurrence of disease in women with treated carcinoma of the breast, and to indicate that additional tests or procedures should be performed to confirm recurrence of breast cancer
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. As soon as possible, centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells, aliquot into a plastic transport vial, and freeze.
Pour Off Within 2 HR. CRITICAL FROZEN.
4 Days
Chemiluminometric Immunoassay
Biomira Truquant BR, Breast Cancer Tumor Markers, Breast Carcinoma, Cancer Antigen 27.29 (CA 27.29), MAM 6, Milk Mucin, CA2729
Useful as a screening test for evaluation of kidney function
SST (1)
Green (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Aids in the diagnosis and follow-up of medullary thyroid carcinoma and in the evaluation of multiple endocrine neoplasia type II and familial medullary thyroid carcinoma.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. As soon as possible, centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells, aliquot into a plastic transport vial, and freeze.
Useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of a wide range of disorders including diseases of bone, kidney, parathyroid gland, or gastrointestinal tract Calcium levels may also reflect abnormal vitamin D or protein levels.
SST (1)
Green (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for assessing calcium states during liver transplantation surgery, cardiopulmonary bypass, or any procedure requiring rapid transfusion of whole blood in neonates and critically ill patients. Also useful as a second-order test in the evaluation of patients with abnormal calcium values.
Useful for evaluation of patients suspected of having a gastrointestinal inflammatory process and distinguishing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) when used in conjunction with other diagnostic modalities, including endoscopy, histology, and imaging.
Useful for evaluating patients' response to ovarian cancer therapy and Predicting recurrent ovarian cancer. Not useful for cancer detection screening in the normal population.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
4 Days
CA125, Carbohydrate Antigen 125, OV Monitor, Ovarian Cancer-Related Antibodies, Cancer Ag 125, CA 125
Aides in managing breast cancer patients when used in conjunction with clinical information and other diagnostic procedures. Serial testing can assist in early detection of disease recurrence in previously treated stage II and III breast cancer patients. Also useful for monitoring response to therapy in metastatic breast cancer patients
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Dietary Restrictions: Avoid Biotin (B7) for 12 HR Prior
4 Days
Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay (ECLIA)
CA 15-3, CA153, MUC-1, Mucin-Like Carcinoma-Associated Antigen
Useful to establish the diagnosis of an allergic disease and to define the allergens responsible for eliciting signs and symptoms. May also be used to identify allergens which may be responsible for allergic disease and/or anaphylactic episode, to confirm sensitization to particular allergens prior to beginning immunotherapy, and to investigate the specificity of allergic reactions to insect venom allergens, drugs, or chemical allergens.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
IgE antibodies may be useful to establish the diagnosis of an allergic disease and to define the allergens responsible for eliciting signs and symptoms. Testing also may be useful to identify allergens which may be responsible for allergic disease and/or anaphylactic episode, to confirm sensitization to particular allergens prior to beginning immunotherapy, and to investigate the specificity of allergic reactions to allergens, drugs, or chemical allergens.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for monitoring carbamazepine (free) therapy in uremic patients, and for monitoring unbound or free carbamazepine levels in patients where the total carbamazepine result is within the therapeutic range but the patient is experiencing side effects.
Potentially useful adjunct for diagnosis and monitoring of pancreatic cancer. May be useful for differentiating patients with cholangiocarcinoma and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) from those with PSC alone.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
FREEZE (14 Days)
4 Days
CA 19-9, Cancer Antigen 19-9, Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9, GI Cancer Antigen
Useful for monitoring colorectal cancer and selected other cancers such as medullary thyroid carcinoma. May be useful in assessing the effectiveness of chemotherapy or radiation treatment, but is not useful in screening the general population for undetected cancers.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Testing for cardiolipin (phospholipid) antibodies is indicated in the following clinical situations: Unexplained arterial or venous thrombosis, a history of pregnancy morbidity defined as 1 or more unexplained deaths of a morphologically normal fetus beyond the 10th week of gestation, 1 or more premature births before 34 weeks of gestation caused by severe preeclampsia or placental insufficiency, or 3 or more unexplained, consecutive spontaneous abortions before the 10th week of gestation with no identifiable maternal hormonal or anatomic, or maternal or paternal chromosomal causes. Useful in the presence of an unexplained cutaneous circulatory disturbance (eg, livido reticularis or pyoderma gangrenosum), in the presence of an unexplained cutaneous circulatory disturbance (eg, livido reticularis or pyoderma gangrenosum). Also useful in the presence of a systemic rheumatic disease (especially lupus erythematosus), an unexplained thrombocytopenia or hemolytic anemia, and possible nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for the evaluation of patients with suspected antiphospholipid syndrome by identification of phospholipid antibodies.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful in the evaluation of patients with a clinical suspicion of a wide range of conditions including organic acidemias, fatty acid oxidation disorders, and primary carnitine deficiency.
Green (1) Sodium OR Lithium Heparin
Plastic Transport Vial
0.5 mL
Red (1)
Centrifuge and aliquot plasma into plastic transport vial within 2 hours of collection and freeze promptly. Submit frozen plasma in plastic transport vial.
Useful as an auxiliary test to fractionated plasma and urine metanephrine measurements in the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. Also used as an auxiliary test to urine vanillylmandelic acid and homovanillic acid determination in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with neuroblastoma and related tumors.
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Avoid drugs that hinder metabolism of epinephrine or dopamine for at least 1 week prior to draw, if possible.
Useful in the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma, as an auxiliary test to fractionated plasma and urine metanephrine measurements (plasma metanephrine is the preferred test for this diagnosis), in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with neuroblastoma and related tumors, as an auxiliary test to urine vanillylmandelic acid and homovanillic acid measurements, and in the evaluation of patients with autonomic dysfunction or failure or autonomic neuropathy.
Green (2) Sodium Heparin ICED CRITICAL FROZEN
Draw in chilled vacutainer and place immediately into ice bath. Send 4.0 mL plasma CRITICAL FROZEN in two vials.
FREEZE (30 Days)
8 Days
High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection
Useful as a screening tool to confirm a hematologic disorder, detection of an unsuspected hematologic disorder, and/or to monitor effects of radiation or chemotherapy.
Useful as a screening tool to confirm a hematologic disorder, detection of an unsuspected hematologic disorder, and/or to monitor effects of radiation or chemotherapy.
Useful for evaluating patients suspected of having rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and for differentiating RA from other connective tissue diseases that may present with arthritis.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful in serial monitoring of CD4 T cell count in HIV-positive patients, for follow-up and diagnostic evaluation of primary cellular immunodeficiencies (including severe combined immunodeficiency), for T-cell immune monitoring following immunosuppressive therapy for transplantation, autoimmunity, and other immunological conditions where such treatment is utilized. Also used in the assessment of T-cell immune reconstitution post hematopoietic cell transplantation, and in early screening of gross quantitative anomalies in T cells in infection or malignancies.
Whole Blood
EDTA (2)
Send 4.0 mL whole blood within 24 HR of draw. Serial monitoring draws should be performed at same time of day.
RT (72 Hours)
3 Days
Flow Cytometry, Single Platform
86359, 86360
CD4 Count, Immune Competence, Immune Status, Quantitative CD4, T Cell(s), T-Cell(s), T Lymphocyte Surface Markers, T-Cell Surface Markers, T-Helper, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
Useful for determining ratio of CD4 to CD8 cells to evaluate immune strength and predict infection in HIV, leukemia, aplastic anemia, MS, myasthenia graves, and Hodgkin diseases.
Whole Blood
EDTA (2)
Send 4.0 mL whole blood. Collect MON-THURS only, do not send Friday.
RT (72 Hours)
4 Days
Flow Cytometry
CD4 Count, CD8 Count, Helper Suppressor Ratio, Immune Competence, Immune Status, Immunodeficiency Panel, Quantitative CD4 and CD8, T Cell(s), T-Cell(s), T Lymphocyte Surface Markers, T-Cell Surface Markers, T-Helper/T-Suppressor, T4/T8 Helper Suppressor Ratio, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
Useful for evaluating patients suspected of having celiac disease, including patients with compatible symptoms, patients with atypical symptoms, and individuals at increased risk (family history, previous diagnosis with associated disease, positivity for DQ2 and/or DQ8).
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful in evaluating patients with clinical signs and symptoms compatible with systemic sclerosis including skin involvement, Raynaud phenomenon, and arthralgias. Useful in aiding in the diagnosis of calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, esophageal dysfunction, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasis (CREST) syndrome.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for investigation of patients with possible Wilson disease.
SST (1)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for evaluation of water, electrolyte, and acid-base status
SST (1)
Green (1) Lithium Heparin
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful to determine if you have been exposed to and/or poisoned by certain organophosphate chemicals found in pesticides, to monitor cholinesterase levels if you work with pesticides, or to identify individuals with inherited pseudocholinesterase deficiency before they are given anesthesia with the muscle relaxant succinylcholine. Can also help determine the cause of prolonged apnea after surgical anesthesia.
Useful for the follow-up or surveillance of patients with known or treated carcinoid tumors, as an adjunct in the diagnosis of carcinoid tumors, as an adjunct in the diagnosis of other neuroendocrine tumors (including pheochromocytomas, medullary thyroid carcinomas, functioning and nonfunctioning islet cell and gastrointestinal amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation tumors, and pituitary adenomas), and as a possible adjunct in outcome prediction and follow-up in advanced prostate cancer
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful in diagnosis of heart attack, finding the cause of chest pain, or finding out how much heart or muscle tissue has been damaged. Can also determine whether you carry the gene for muscular dystrophy including dermatomyositis, polymyositis, malignant hyperthermia, and other conditions that may cause muscle breakdown.
SST (1)
Pour Off Within 4HR
6 Days
82550, 82552
CK (Creatine Kinase), CK Isoenzyme Electrophoresis, CK Macro, CK-BB, CK-MM, CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase), Isoenzyme of Creatine Kinase, Macro CK, Macro Creatine Kinase, Mitochondrial Creatine Kinase, CPK Isoenzyme Electrophoresis
Useful for the diagnosis and treatment of acid-base imbalance in respiratory and metabolic systems
SST (1)
Green (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for diagnosing deficiencies, particularly hemophilia B (Christmas disease), assessing the impact of liver disease on hemostasis, and investigation of a prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time.
Lt. Blue (1)
Centrifuge collection tube for 15 minutes to seperate plasma from red cells. Using a pipette, aliquot all available plasma into a plastic transport vial. Centrifuge transport vial again and pipette all but the bottom 0.25 mL of plasma into a seperate transport vial and freeze. Must be dedicated specimen.
PT must not be on Coumadin or heparin therapy. Spin TWICE and pour off within 4 HR of collection. CRITICAL FROZEN.
FREEZE (14 Days)
4 Days
Optical Clot-Based
Factor IX Activity Assay, Hemophilia B, Factor IX, Factor 9
Useful for diagnosing congenital deficiencies of coagulation factor V, investigation of prolonged prothrombin time or activated partial thromboplastin time, and evaluating acquired deficiencies associated with liver disease, factor V inhibitors, myeloproliferative disorders, and intravascular coagulation and fibrinolysis.
Lt. Blue (1)
Centrifuge collection tube for 15 minutes to seperate plasma from red cells. Using a pipette, aliquot all available plasma into a plastic transport vial. Centrifuge transport vial again and pipette all but the bottom 0.25 mL of plasma into a seperate transport vial and freeze. Must be dedicated specimen.
PT must not be on Coumadin or heparin therapy. Spin TWICE and pour off within 4 HR of collection. CRITICAL FROZEN.
Useful for diagnosing congenital deficiency of coagulation factor VII and evaluating acquired deficiencies associated with liver disease, oral anticoagulant therapy, and vitamin K deficiency. Also useful for determining degree of anticoagulation with warfarin to correlate with level of protein C, and for investigation of a prolonged prothrombin time.
Lt. Blue (1)
Centrifuge collection tube for 15 minutes to seperate plasma from red cells. Using a pipette, aliquot all available plasma into a plastic transport vial. Centrifuge transport vial again and pipette all but the bottom 0.25 mL of plasma into a seperate transport vial and freeze. Must be dedicated specimen.
PT must not be on Coumadin or heparin therapy. Spin TWICE and pour off within 4 HR of collection. CRITICAL FROZEN.
FREEZE (14 Days)
4 Days
Optical Clot-Based
Coagulation Factor VII Assay, FACTOR VII ACTIVITY, Prothrombin, Factor VII, Factor 7
Useful in the diagnosing hemophilia A, the diagnosis of von Willebrand disease when measured with the von Willebrand factor (VWF) antigen and VWF activity, and the diagnosing acquired deficiency states. Also useful in the investigation of prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time, and in monitoring infusions of factor VIII replacement during interventional procedures and prophylactic infusions.
Lt. Blue (1)
Centrifuge collection tube for 15 minutes to seperate plasma from red cells. Using a pipette, aliquot all available plasma into a plastic transport vial. Centrifuge transport vial again and pipette all but the bottom 0.25 mL of plasma into a seperate transport vial and freeze. Must be dedicated specimen.
PT must not be on Coumadin or heparin therapy. Spin TWICE and pour off within 4 HR of collection. CRITICAL FROZEN.
FREEZE (14 Days)
4 Days
Optical Clot-Based
Coagulation Factor VIII Activity Assay, Factor VIII Activity Assay, Hemophilia A, Factor VIII, Factor 8
Useful for diagnosing deficiency of coagulation factor X (congenital or acquired), in evaluating hemostatic function in liver disease, and in the investigation of prolonged prothrombin time or activated partial thromboplastin time.
Lt. Blue (1)
Centrifuge collection tube for 15 minutes to seperate plasma from red cells. Using a pipette, aliquot all available plasma into a plastic transport vial. Centrifuge transport vial again and pipette all but the bottom 0.25 mL of plasma into a seperate transport vial and freeze. Must be dedicated specimen.
Spin TWICE and pour off within 4 HR of collection. CRITICAL FROZEN.
Useful in diagnosing deficiency of coagulation factor XI, and investigation of prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time
Lt. Blue (1)
Centrifuge collection tube for 15 minutes to seperate plasma from red cells. Using a pipette, aliquot all available plasma into a plastic transport vial. Centrifuge transport vial again and pipette all but the bottom 0.25 mL of plasma into a seperate transport vial and freeze. Must be dedicated specimen.
PT must not be on Coumadin or heparin therapy. Spin TWICE and pour off within 4 HR of collection. CRITICAL FROZEN.
FREEZE (14 Days)
4 Days
Optical Clot-Based
Factor XI Activity Assay. F11, Factor XI, Factor 11
Useful for diagnosing deficiency of coagulation factor XII, and for determining cause of prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time.
Lt. Blue (1)
Centrifuge collection tube for 15 minutes to seperate plasma from red cells. Using a pipette, aliquot all available plasma into a plastic transport vial. Centrifuge transport vial again and pipette all but the bottom 0.25 mL of plasma into a seperate transport vial and freeze. Must be dedicated specimen.
PT must not be on Coumadin or heparin therapy. Spin TWICE and pour off within 4 HR of collection. CRITICAL FROZEN.
FREEZE (14 Days)
4 Days
Optical Clot-Based
Coagulation Factor XII Activity Assay, Factor XII, Factor 12
Useful for detecting cobalt toxicity and monitoring metallic prosthetic implant wear.
Dark Blue Trace Element (1)
Dark Blue EDTA (1)
Invert tube 10 times immediately post-draw. Within 2 hours of draw, centrifuge collection tube for 15 minutes to seperate plasma from red cells. Without using a pipette, gently pour-off all possible plasma into a metal-free transport vial. Leave ambient at room temperature.
Discontinue vitamin, mineral, herbal supplements, and an non-essential medications prior to draw. USE METAL FREE POUR OFF TUBE.
9 Days
Quantitative Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometry
Useful when used to evaluate or monitor the rate of bone formation and resorption. It is a useful tool to detect the presence of Paget disease and monitor the progress of osteoporosis. Typically ordered when there could be the presence of a metabolic bone disease.
Useful when assessing disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and/or investigating an undetectable total complement (CH50) level.
SST (1)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
4 Days
3rd Component of Complement, C3 COMP, C3, Third Component of Complement
Useful when investigating an undetectable total complement (CH50), confirming hereditary angioedema (with low C1 inhibitor), and for assessing disease activity in systemic lupus erythematosus, proliferative glomerulonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
SST (1)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
4 Days
4th Component of Complement, C4, Fourth Component of Complement, Hereditary Angioedema Panel
Broad screening tool to evaluate organ function and check for conditions such as diabetes, liver disease, and kidney disease. Used to monitor known conditions, such as hypertension, and to monitor people taking specific medications for any kidney or liver-related side effects.
SST (1)
Green (1) Lithium Heparin
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Broad screening tool to evaluate organ function and check for conditions such as diabetes, liver disease, and kidney disease. Used to monitor known conditions, such as hypertension, and to monitor people taking specific medications for any kidney or liver-related side effects.
SST (1)
Green (1) Lithium Heparin
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Fasting Preferred (12 HR)
Various (See individual test methodology)
CMPC, CMP with calcs, Chemistry Panel with Calculations, Chemistry Screen with Calculations
Useful when discriminating between primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency and in the differential diagnosis of Cushing syndrome.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
The preferred screening test for Cushing Syndrome. Useful in the diagnosis of pseudo-hyperaldosteronism due to excessive licorice consumption. Assists in the diagnosis of acquired or inherited abnormalities of 11-beta-hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase. This test has limited usefulness in the evalution of adrenal insufficiency.
Sterile Container (1)
FREEZE (28 Days)
6 Days
Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
Useful in a diagnostic workup of hypoglycemia through diagnosis of factitious hypoglycemia due to surreptitious administration of insulin, in the evaluation of possible insulinoma, and as a surrogate measurement for the absence or presence of physiological suppressibility of endogenous insulin secretion during diagnostic insulin-induced hypoglycemia (C-peptide suppression test). Also useful for assessing insulin secretory reserve in diabetic patients who either have insulin autoantibodies or who are receiving insulin therapy.
Creatine kinase is utilized in the diagnosis and monitoring of myocardial infarction and myopathies such as the progressive Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
SST (1)
Green (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful in the risk assessment for developing myocardial infarction in patients presenting with acute coronary syndromes, and in the risk assessment for developing cardiovascular disease or ischemic events in individuals who do not manifest the disease at present.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
C Reactive Protein Cardiac, C Reactive Protein High Sensitivity, C-Reactive Protein Cardio, C-Reactive Protein Sensitive, CRP Cardiac, CRP Highly Sensitive, CRP Ultra-Sensitive, Sensitive C-Reactive Protein, Ultra-Sensitive C-Reactive Protein, CRPC, HSCRP
Useful for estimation of glomerular filtration rate.
SST (1)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for detecting systemic inflammatory processes, for detecting infection and assessing response to antibiotic treatment of bacterial infections, and for differentiating between active and inactive disease forms with concurrent infection.
SST (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for evaluating cryoglobulins in patients with vasculitis, glomerulonephritis, and lymphoproliferative diseases, and in evaluating patients with macroglobulinemia or myeloma in whom symptoms occur with cold exposure.
Red (1) Clot in Warm Water
Allow sample to clot in warm water before serum is spun and separated from cells.