A second-order test in the assessment of vitamin D status, especially in patients with renal disease. Useful for investigation of some patients with clinical evidence of vitamin D deficiency (eg, vitamin D-dependent rickets due to hereditary deficiency of renal 1-alpha hydroxylase or end-organ resistance to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D), and differential diagnosis of hypercalcemia.
SST (1)
Original Collection Vial(s)
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful in the diagnostic workup of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Useful as part of metyrapone testing in the workup of suspected secondary or tertiary adrenal insufficiency, or as part of metyrapone testing in the differential diagnostic workup of Cushing syndrome.
SST (1)
Original Collection Vial(s)
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube, refrigerate until picked-up.
Morning Specimen Preferred (8AM)
9 Days
Quantitative High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Assesses adrenocortical function and reflects cortisol secretions.
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
24 Hour Urine Jug
20 ML (10 ML Minimum)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for monitoring breakdown of adrenal hormones. Aides in the diagnosis of tumors in the ovaries or adrenal cortex.
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
24 Hour Urine Jug
4 ML (3 ML Minimum)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
1 of the 3 analytes (along with cortisol and androstenedione) that constitutes the best screening test for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) caused by either 11- or 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Also useful as part of a battery of tests to evaluate females with hirsutism or infertility. Both can result from adult-onset CAH.
SST (1)
Plastic Transport Vial
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
EDTA (1)
Allow SST tube to clot for 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells and immediately aliquot serum into a separate transport vial. Submit transport vial only, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for diagnosis and management of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including gestational diabetes and neonatal hypoglycemia in pregnant patients.
Serum X3
SST (3)
Original Collection Vial(s)
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
Plasma X3
Gray (3)
Patient should be drawn for a fasting level, then consume 75g Glucola drink within 5 minutes and without vomiting. Start a timer when drink is finished and then draw as close to the one hour mark as possible, each hour up to the two hour mark. Submit all 3 samples, clearly labeled with time of draw. SST: Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s). GRAY: Gently invert collection tube(s) at least 10 times, immediately post-draw. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Diagnosis and management of diabetes mellitus and other carbohydrate metabolism disorders including gestational diabetes, neonatal hypoglycemia, idiopathic hypoglycemia, and pancreatic islet cell carcinoma.
Serum X2
SST (2)
Original Collection Vial(s)
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
Plasma X2
Gray (2)
SST: Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s). GRAY: Gently invert collection tube(s) at least 10 times, immediately post-draw. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful in the investigation of adrenal insufficiency and as an aid in the detection of those at risk of developing autoimmune adrenal failure in the future.
SST (1)
Original Collection Vial(s)
1 ML (0.2 ML Minimum)
Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for biochemical diagnosis and monitoring of intestinal carcinoid syndrome
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
24 Hour Urine Jug
5 ML Minimum
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Keep Urine Refrigerated During Collection. If possible, patient should discontinue use of acetaminophen, asprin, antihistamines, and cough and cold medicine for 48 hours prior to collection. Also limit the following to one serving per day for two days prior to collection: fruits, vegetables, nuts, and caffeinated beverages or foods.
5 Days
Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
Useful for diagnosing risk factors for patients with calcium kidney stones and monitoring results of therapy in patients with calcium stones or renal tubular acidosis
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
24 Hour Urine Jug
4 ML Minimum
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for monitoring patients with monoclonal gammopathies using 24-hour urine specimens.
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
24 Hour Urine Jug
26 ML Minimum
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Keep Urine Refrigerated During Collection
4 Days
Turbidimetry, Agarose Del Electrophoresis, Immunofixation
84156, 84166, 86335
Bence Jones Urine, Heavy Chains Urine, Immunoelectrophoresis, Immunofixation Electrophoresis (IFE), Immunofixation, Kappa Chains Urine, Lambda Chains Urine, Light Chains Urine, Paraprotein, Special Protein Studies
Evaluation of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate kidney stone risk, and calculation of urinary supersaturations. Evaluation of bone diseases, including osteoporosis and osteomalacia.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
24 Hour Urine Jug
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
An indicator of fluid balance and acid-base homeostasis.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Urinary creatinine, in conjunction with serum creatinine, is used to calculate the creatinine clearance, a measure of renal function.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful in the screening or management of diabetes mellitus
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for assessing the cause of abnormal serum magnesium concentrations, determining whether nutritional magnesium loads are adequate, calculating urinary calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate supersaturation, and assessing kidney stone risk.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for diagnosing risk factors for patients with calcium kidney stones and monitoring results of therapy in patients with calcium stones or renal tubular acidosis
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for evaluation of hypophosphatemic or hyperphosphatemic states and evaluation of patients with nephrolithiasis.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for determining the cause for hyperkalemia or hypokalemia.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Keep Urine Refrigerated During Collection
Potentiometric, Indirect Ion-Selective Electrode
K (potassium), Electrolytes Urine, K Urine, Lytes Urine
Useful in evaluation of renal disease and screening for monoclonal gammopathy.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for assessing acid-base balance, water balance, water intoxication, and dehydration.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful in assessment of protein intake and/or nitrogen balance.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful in assessment and management of patients with kidney stones, particularly uric acid stones.
Urine (24 Hr)
24 Hour Urine Jug (1)
Have patient collect all urine excretions for a 24 hour period, refrigerating the sample jug between collections. Submit 24 hour urine jug, refrigerate until picked-up.
Useful for diagnosis and management of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including gestational diabetes and neonatal hypoglycemia in pregnant patients.
SST (4)
Original Collection Vial
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
Plasma X4
Gray (4)
Patient should be drawn for a fasting level, then consume 100g Glucola drink within 5 minutes and without vomiting. Start a timer when drink is finished and then draw as close to the one hour mark as possible, each hour up to the three hour mark. Submit all 4 samples, clearly labeled with time of draw. SST: Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s). GRAY: Gently invert collection tube(s) at least 10 times, immediately post-draw. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for diagnosis and management of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including gestational diabetes and neonatal hypoglycemia in pregnant patients.
Serum X5
SST (5)
Original Collection Vial
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
Plasma X5
Gray (5)
Patient should be drawn for a fasting level, then consume 100g Glucola drink within 5 minutes and without vomiting. Start a timer when drink is finished and then draw as close to the one hour mark as possible, each hour up to the four hour mark. Submit all 5 samples, clearly labeled with time of draw. SST: Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s). GRAY: Gently invert collection tube(s) at least 10 times, immediately post-draw. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for diagnosis and management of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including gestational diabetes and neonatal hypoglycemia in pregnant patients.
Serum X6
SST (6)
1 ML (0.5 ML Minimum)
Plasma X6
Gray (6)
Patient should be drawn for a fasting level, then consume 100g Glucola drink within 5 minutes and without vomiting. Start a timer when drink is finished and then draw as close to the one hour mark as possible, each hour up to the five hour mark. Submit all 6 samples, clearly labeled with time of draw. SST: Allow SST tube to clot for at least 15 minutes post-draw. Centrifuge unopened collection tube(s) for 15 minutes to separate serum from red cells. Submit unopened collection tube(s). GRAY: Gently invert collection tube(s) at least 10 times, immediately post-draw. Submit unopened collection tube(s).
Useful for biochemical diagnosis and monitoring of intestinal carcinoid syndrome
Sterile Urine Cup
Sterile Urine Cup
10 ML (5 ML Minimum)
Must be sent and received at Unipath on the same day. If not, a preservative must be added. Please contact the lab for further instruction if shipping next day or beyond.
Dietary Restrictions: Avoid foods high in indoles (avocado, banana, tomato, plum, walnut, pineapple, eggplant) and Tobacco, Tea, and Coffee for 3 days prior to collection.